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Results for "submediums: Books - Book Excerpt, main_practice: Kindness"
The Practice of Lojong Traleg Kyabgon on shifting our focus from negative to positive thinking.
Mandela's Way Richard Stengel shares examples of Nelson Mandela's kindness towards all.
Survival Lessons Alice Hoffman on how sharing during an illness means that we help one another.
10 Principles of Spiritual Parenting Mimi Doe with numerous ways to show kindness that can rub off on children.
Pray All Ways Edward Hays on the spiritual practice of kindness.
The Garden of Truth Seyyd Hossein Nasr on Sufi chivalry, or kindness.
Fundamentals of Rumi's Thought One way to deal with scheming opponents.
The Parent's Little Book of Lists Jane Bluestein's list of 16 ways to model courtesy.
Buddha Is As Buddha Does Lama Surya Das on cultivating kindness and generosity.
Blush Shirley Hershey Showalter on teaching Mennonite children to be kind.